Tabletop Gaming

Tabletop gaming provides its own unique difficulties when it comes to game and level design. Story elements, connecting with players, and engaging mechanics are even more essential when working with the limitations of tabletop gaming. These limitations, when overcome, provide one of the most rewarding platforms for a game designer to work in.

During COVID, a few friends of mine decided to start a Dungeons and Dragons campaign to pass time during the two-week quarantine. Much like how COVID ended up unexpectedly staying with us, DnD has stayed with me.

I will be posting an in depth document [HERE] discussing my campaign creation process, along with everything needed to recreate my campaign. However, due to the campaign spanning multiple years, it will be a while before it is posted. Check this page later if you are interested!

Resident Evil One Shot


The Resident Evil One Shot is a horror themed game that utilizes a stripped down set of Dungeons and Dragons rules. With the intention of being completed in one or two nights, the rules are easy to understand from both a player’s perspective, and the Dungeon Master’s perspective. Maps, player handouts, and puzzle ideas are all provided.

Download the Resident Evil One Shot [HERE]!