Multiplayer mission design and development within ARMA III using Eden Editor and SQF. Includes mission summaries, downloads, and screenshots.
A Resident Evil themed one shot campaign and homebrew content from my DnD campaign.
Information on my first steps within Unreal Engine 5. Includes progress on my first game.
Game design has been a huge passion of mine since COVID. Finding a lot of free time on my hands, I began designing missions (levels) within ARMA III, as well as constructing a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Both of these hobbies I’ve continued with, providing me an in-depth understanding of how to connect with players as a game designer. More recently, however, I’ve started to work within Unreal Engine 5. I plan on transitioning the majority of my game design efforts into Unreal Engine as it is the industry standard, and will have a longer life span.