Multiplayer mission design and development within ARMA III using Eden Editor and SQF. Includes mission summaries, downloads, and screenshots.

[Tabletop Gaming]

A Resident Evil themed one shot campaign and homebrew content from my DnD campaign.

[Unreal Engine]

Information on my first steps within Unreal Engine 5. Includes progress on my first game.


Game design has been a huge passion of mine since COVID. Finding a lot of free time on my hands, I began designing missions (levels) within ARMA III, as well as constructing a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Both of these hobbies I’ve continued with, providing me an in-depth understanding of how to connect with players as a game designer. More recently, however, I’ve started to work within Unreal Engine 5. I plan on transitioning the majority of my game design efforts into Unreal Engine as it is the industry standard, and will have a longer life span.